As the world's largest online video sharing platform, a variety of wonderful videos are uploaded to YouTube every twenty-four hour period. But if we want to upload our ain recordings, music, songs, YouTube will remind us that such files can not be uploaded. This is because YouTube does not support direct uploading of sound files such as MP3.

So how can you upload an audio file to YouTube?

The solution is to convert the sound file into a YouTube supported video file and then upload it. So that you tin upload your favorite audio file to YouTube.

Hither nosotros innovate 3 means to convert audio files into video.

1. Convert sound to video via video editing software

YouTube only supports video formats like MP4, the supported formats can be viewed here. If you want to upload audio files to YouTube, you need to convert them into these video formats.

Converting audio to a video tin be easily done using YouTube video editing software, such equally YouTube Movie Maker.

Step ii, open the software, click the "scarlet plus" button in the interface. Then select "add audio", and add the audio file to the software.

 "red plus" button in the YouTube Movie Maker
add audio

Pace 3, right-click the audio in the upper-left window and select "add select to > Add 0 line".

add audio to line
add audio to line

Step 4, select "Movie Setting" in "Options", select the video format you desire to output. Here we choose the format that is most suitable for YouTube and then clicks OK.

Movie Setting
 video format in YouTube Movie Maker

Pace 5, click the software correct off the "Render" button, select the video salvage path, and you tin export video.

render the video

Step six, you tin log in your YouTube account from the YouTube Film Maker and upload the resulting video straight to YouTube.

upload video via YouTube Movie Maker

Yous can also brand an sound visualizer video with YouTube Movie Maker, view the tutorial here.

2. Convert sound through online audio to video converters

In addition to software, there are a number of online tools that can as well convert audio and video. Sometimes if the file size is small, we tin also convert the audio in this type of online tool.

There are many such tools. But the disadvantage is that in that location are general restrictions on file size and sure requirements on the user'south network. Here nosotros have Dovid as an example to demonstrate how to catechumen audio into a video supported by YouTube. It's gratis.

Open the Tovid website, we tin can see that the operation is very simple.

online audio to video converter

One is the demand to prepare a film for the video screen, and the other is the audio file that needs to be converted.

convert audio to video

Simply add the image and the audio file to the appropriate surface area of the site. You'll see that the download button turns light-green when the file is uploaded. Merely click the download push button to download the video.

The resulting video is to show the picture you uploaded all the time, and so play the audio you uploaded. Yous just upload the video file to YouTube.

Of course, you can likewise authorize the website to admission your YouTube account, upload the video directly to YouTube. There is no need to download it, but it is easy to study errors and is by and large not recommended.

Other sites operate similarly, uploading audio files, converting them, and then downloading the converted video.

3. Catechumen audio and video through APPs

In improver, if your audio is on your phone, y'all tin as well apply the APP to convert it. Here we use Avee Music Player equally an example.

The first stride, similar to desktop software, is to download the Avee Music Player from Google Play to your phone.

Convert audio and video through APP

The second footstep, open the software, add the files that need to be converted to the software, then select the picture issue you like, then generate the video.

In the third pace, nosotros tin upload the generated video to YouTube via mobile phone.

Wrapping Upwards

YouTube Tin Not Upload Audio Files, but we tin can upload audio files by converting them to video. It'due south easy to exercise on your pc/mobile/online site. There are lots of APPS and websites that support audio conversion and uploads, just choose what you like.